api error code: 100

Facebook Developer Toolkit - API Error Code: 100 真夠絕的了!    API Error Code: 100 API Error Description: Invalid parameter Error Message: Requires valid next URL. This is a simple error I am over looking? The URL in the browser at the time......


facebook - API Error Code: 100 - Stack Overflow 我認真了......Just wanted to install my app to a fanpage, but got this message: API Error Code: 100 API Error Description: Invalid parameter Error Message: redirect_uri URL is not properly ......


Facebook Developer Toolkit - API Error Code: 100 不要越線!API Error Code: 100 Wiki Link: [discussion:215206] jimmysmithjnr Jun 7, 2010 at 3:18 PM I have downloaded the start kit and am trying to get the Iframe sample working - I have......


php - API Error code: 100 facebook OpenGraph - Stack Overflow看了武俠小說,或是電影之類,有時候會不會覺得心癢癢想嘗試一下呢~~~但是在這裡衷心地勸一句哦~~~沒事,千萬別隨便亂學啊~~~▼跳的可以再高一點點哦~~╮(╯▽╰)╭▼其實,這位功夫已經很好了。。。只是最後沒計算過自己腳跟腳的距離啊▼哎唷~~~好痛▼轉圈的次數要算好啦~~少年▼(⊙o⊙)本來是想彈走Please try later API Error Code: 100 API Error Description: Invalid parameter Error Message: 'link' is invalid. I've looked a bit in the related piece of code, and I find nothing......


WordPress › Support » WPBook - Stream permission issues - API Error Code: 100 明星誰抽菸最帥?是魅力無限的發哥,是無厘頭始祖周星馳,還是攝影大師冠希哥,又或者是.....(亮點在最後!!!)   最後這位山形健老師,你贏了!!!把抽菸的寂寞詮釋的淋漓盡致!!! This API Error Code 100 just started this weekend - I think Facebook changed something on there end and I'm looking into it - at least one other user is getting the same problem.......


Matt Woodward's Blog: Facebook API Error Code 100: "Next is not owned by the application" 在北韓   在法國   在美國1 在美國2   在印度   印度實在是好歡樂的感覺啊~哈哈 看完整影片 Facebook API Error Code 100: "Next is not owned by the application" Since we're going to open registration for OpenCF Summit before long and launch what I'm calling our "Engage"......
