apic wiki

APIC - OSDev Wiki小學真的會帶一堆東西上學啊!!!! APIC ("Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller") is the updated Intel standard for the older PIC. It is used in multiprocessor systems and is an integral part of all recent Intel (and compatible) processors. The APIC is used for sophisticated interrupt...


APIC timer - OSDev Wiki生小孩是很可怕的............. Example code in C This code is an example of how to initialize the APIC timer so that it ticks every 10 milliseconds. This is done by letting the APIC timer run, waiting for 10ms using the PIT and then getting the number of ticks that were done from the A...


APIC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia啊啊....這齣劇總是一再重演!!! APIC may refer to: Additional paid in capital, in finance Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller, in computing: a type of programmable interrupt controller Africa Policy Information Center, a parent-body of Africa Action Agreement on the Privileges an...


Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia所以地球是木星的公主(馬子)....??@@ In computing, Intel's Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) is a family of interrupt controllers. As its name suggests, the APIC is more advanced than Intel's 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC), particularly enabling the construction...


亞太創意技術學院 - 维基百科你還記得你上次發文是啥時嗎-.- 亞太創意技術學院,簡稱亞太學院,前身為1988年成立親民工業專科學校,位於臺灣苗栗縣頭份鎮珊珠湖中港溪畔。1992年更名為親民工商專科學校。2004年,改制為親民技術學院,並調整與成立諸多科系、學群。2010年8月12日,改名為「亞太創意技術學院」。...
