Re: APOLLO 20 ALIEN SPACESHIP ON THE MOON CSM FLYOVER 8 - YouTube我說哥哥阿....什麼不教..教這個...小心你妹妹長大會討厭你喔!哈哈哈!!原PO啾的閃光有個妹妹,年紀很小,才國小一年級 閃光超疼他妹妹,趁著妹妹放寒假,我們就一起帶妹妹去動物園 人多到爆炸+圓仔只看到屁股就不多提了 在看到大陸龜的時候 我The main feature of this video comes during the second half, which shows a "normalized" version of the 16MM film of the alien craft shot by L. Marietta Snyder during her CSM flyovers. The problem with that video is that it is difficult to make out what th...