GUCCI發表全新微電影「MEN’S TAILORING」 展現經典裁縫工藝│GQ瀟灑男人網
App Swap, An App Drawer Replacement, Adds Handy Quick Swipe Launch Zones For Lightning-Fast App Acce說到精品西裝你會想到哪個品牌?來自義大利的GUCCI經典裁縫工藝受到全球歡迎,也成為經典不敗象徵,近期GUCCI曝光全新微電影《MEN’S TAILORING》,描述完美精緻的西裝結合當代迷人風尚,並找來超模Clement Chabernaud重現Gucci Jet-set精神,穿梭在倫One of the things I love about Android is the way it allows fantastic customization of its user interface, even without root or other major modifications. Take App Swap for example: this handy little app drawer replacement can launch either from a standar...