[Android M Feature Spotlight] The New App Drawer And Widget Picker Scroll Vertically 最近一篇文章,據說是馬雲發給阿里巴巴內部員工的。這篇文章道出了一個奇怪的現象:愈花錢的人愈有錢,愈捨不得花錢的人卻越愈窮! 為什麼會是這樣? 不喜歡花錢的人總在想,等以後錢攢多了再消費。 從小我們接受的教育都是錢是省下的。愈會節儉的人,愈有錢。其實,那是計There are a lot of new things in Android M, but this is an example of something old made new again. The app drawer and widget picker in the Android M dev p... by Ryan Whitwam ......