AppMakr - Official Site 一名網友在ptt上發文表示,自己在跟女友接吻時發現對方口裡有煙草的味道。他在文中指出,女友和自己從來都沒有抽過菸,但沒想到有天接吻時卻隱約聞到她的嘴裡有一股淡淡的煙味,他當下只是詢問女友是否抽煙,沒想到女友當場嚇了一大跳,並解釋說:「可能因為剛剛有人抽煙,我去吸到二手煙的關係」 此時Make an iPhone App There are now more than 500 million iPhone's on the planet. Want the chance to reach out to every one of them? Simple: use Appmakr's iPhone app maker! Create your own iPhone mobile app without touching a single line of code, even upload...