Automated Bike Fit Measurement App Review: Bike Fast Fit | DC Rainmaker (圖片翻攝自dcard) 上了大學之後面對同學們的各種炫富各種行頭例如各種潮牌衣一件就4.5000的那種,不然就是黑武士或喬丹幾代在跳的,整天開口閉口都是討論名車超跑,或者那邊有高級餐廳、什麼驚世美食的我覺得默默吃默默享受沒差,但同學你們根本就是深怕全世界不知道一樣大肆宣揚,好像這樣可以提升自己身I want to start off by first noting just how rare it is that I write an entire post specifically about a single app. I could probably count the number of times I’ve done that in 6 years on one hand. I simply find that most of the good apps out there are a...