appdata roaming apple computer mobilesync backup

iOS:無法使用 iTunes 進行備份或從備份進行回復嚇!!! 作業系統 位置 Mac OS ~/資源庫/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/ 若要尋找 OS X Lion v10.7 或以上版本中的「~/資源庫」檔案夾,請按住 Option 鍵並選擇「前往」>「資源庫」。 Windows 8 \使用者\(使用者名稱)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer ......


Can I delete my old appdata roaming apple computer mobilesync backup?廣志你~也太不用心了吧~~~~ My C: drive is a 119 gig SSD drive and is where all my C:\Users\Ken\AppData\roaming\apple computer\mobilesync\backup, and it's probably has 50 gigs and now the drive is full and I can not restore from my backups. So can I delet...
