傳奇重生 McLaren Gordon Murray Automotive T.50
Apple - Apple Events - Special Event June 2014傳奇超跑McLaren F1的名設計師Gordon Murray教授,在F1問世30年後,運用最新的材料科技與製造技術,以F1原型進行設計並從裡到外重新打造,推出Gordon Murray Automotive T.50,僅生產100台,預計2022年一月開始交車,而售價則高達台幣9千萬元。 TWatch the streaming video from the special event. ... Apple Special Event. June 2, 2014. Watch streaming video from this special event and learn more about our exciting announcements. Streaming video requires Safari 5.1.10 or later on OS X v10.6.8 or late...