Apple Pay is double charging some customers - Oct. 22, 2014有一個年輕人,覺得任何工作都太辛苦了。他做過的每份工作,從來沒有超過十天。 他的父親因此感到十分苦惱,也非常擔心,四處請求朋友代為留意合適的工作機會。 終於有一天,一位朋友帶來了一個好消息。他為這年輕人找到了一份非常輕鬆的工作:年輕人什麼都不必做,只要每天坐在椅子上,就算完成這一天的工作。 這工作是I was among the first people to try out Apple Pay the moment it came available on Monday. It was convenient, fast, and it seemingly worked without incident ... until I logged in and checked my debit card bill. As it turns out, I've been charged twice for ...