apple a5x

Apple A5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 剛剛我很悠閒的在逛FB 突然看到我一之前在國外研討會發表認識的外國學者PO了一篇文 Facebook secrets: When you are not in the Americas, the world looks different. 看完看了一下我的地球真的跟他不一樣 上面的FB是我的 下The Apple A5 is a 32-bit system-on-a-chip designed by Apple Inc. and manufactured by Samsung[3][4] and is the successor to the Apple A4. The A5 commercially debuted with the release of Apple's iPad 2 tablet, and also powers the iPhone 4S, iPod Touch fifth...


Apple system on a chip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia柯南。。。這是開啟了所有人的眼殘技能嗎。。。   這真的太白痴了...以前竟然都沒發現   --------------1 Early series 2 "A" series 2.1 Apple A4 2.2 Apple A5 2.3 Apple A5X 2.4 Apple A6 2.5 Apple A6X 2.6 Apple A7 3 List of Apple SoCs 4 See also 5 Similar platforms ... Early series [edit] Prior to the introduction of the Apple "A" series of SoCs, Apple used s...


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