compaq presario cq57 cd rom drive is not working what could... - HP Support Forum - 1826715你曾見過這種妙事嗎?一錯再錯,錯到底變成對了。 話說「莫名其妙」一語,原來的意思是「沒有辦法形容其中的奧妙」。「名」是「形容」或「指稱」的意思,論語裏說:「蕩蕩乎民無能名焉。」就是最好的例子。「莫名其妙」和我們通俗語中「不可名狀」或「筆墨難以形容」意思相似。例如:「東方現出一曙灰白,而淡白not recognizing my cd rom drive - 1826715 ... Hi, First, try the automated fixit from Microsoft on the link below. Windows 7 Vista Check if the drive is now working. If it still doesn't work, click the Start Menu, open All Programs, open Accessories, righ...