Apple 30-pin Digital AV Adapter - Apple Store (U.S.)昨天13號晚上,我參加了在阿佐谷樓舉行的,吃人體男性器的活動“Ham Cybele(火腿女神)——世紀飲食會”。就跟前幾天的發表的博文中說的一樣,我,松澤,去吃了,人類的雞雞。這下,我終於和漢尼拔·萊克特博士(一個高智商罪犯,殺人魔,有興Use the Apple Digital AV Adapter to mirror whatever’s on your iPad or iPhone 4S screen — apps, presentations, websites, and more — on your HDTV or HDMI-compatible display in up to 1080p HD (movies play at up to 720p). Watch slideshows and movies on the .....