Apple's iPhone 6 Rumored to Launch in August 來源/視覺志(ID:iiidaily) 本文由「135編輯器」提供技術支持 「我曾經死了40秒。」 前段時間,大家都沉浸在跨年的喜悅中時,一個博主靜靜在網上發布了自己和病痛鬥爭的故事。 女孩2017年5月發現自己患上了白血病,治療期間,和男友分了手。曾經有4Apple typically releases its next-generation iPhones in September of each year, but a new report suggests we might see the iPhone 6 a little earlier this time around. The report says only the 4.7-inch iPhone will launch in August, with Apple debuting a la...