BMW 新6系列GT 預計最快8月上市
Apple - iPod touch 外媒預估BMW 的現行5系列GT將從下一代車型開始,改以6系列(6 Series Gran Tourismo)來稱呼,且據了解,新一代6系列GT預估最快會在8月上旬在國內正式上市。但目前BMW表示,原廠至今並未發表6系列GT,一般預估6系列GT,其主要車上零組件都跟新五系列共用,且這Brilliant design There’s thin and light. Then there’s thin and light on a whole other level. iPod touch has a superthin aluminum body that feels barely there in your hand or pocket. It comes in colors so fun, it’s hard to choose just one. With Apple EarPo...