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Apple M7 motion coprocessor — Everything you need to know! | iMore 所有男人心目中的夢幻逸品─ 萊斯勞斯 Rolls Roys,除了它的一流裝備、性能外,所提供的「客製化」服務更是讓它成為轎車界裡的頂級精品。 號稱能滿足所有顧客提出的客製化需求的勞斯萊斯設計團隊,曾應顧客要求將野餐設備裝進車裡、將車裡的皮革部分改成與顧客口紅搭配的顏色。 滿足顧客的車體顏色客製需求The Apple M7 motion coprocessor is Robin to the Apple A7's Batman. Watson to its Sherlock. Chewbacca to its Han Solo. You get the idea. It's something that helps take some of the busy work off the hero's back. In other words, it's the sidekick. In this ca...