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Apple Store 台灣官方網站 – 選購 iPad mini、iPad、iPhone、配備 Retina 顯示器的 Macbook Pro,與 Mac mini 等產品 - Apple ...在 Apple Online Store 訂購任何新春禮品,皆可享免額外付費運送服務。選購 iPad Air、iPad mini 或 iPod 為禮,還可將心語以雷射鐫刻其上,免額外付費。...


Apple Store 網絡商店香港官方網站 - iPhone 5s、iPhone 5c、iPad Air、MacBook Pro 等 - Apple Store (香港)看起來不錯吃也 到 Apple Store 選購 iPad Air、iPad mini、iPhone 5s、iPhone 5c、iPhone 4s 和配有13吋Retina顯示器的MacBook Pro。所有產品均可免費送貨。 ... 開學了,我們的優惠也快要結束了。 於 9 月 9 日或之前購買 Mac 上大學,即可獲贈價值 HK$ 800 的 Apple Store ......


Apple - iPad恩  上廁所很麻煩 Six powerful apps for your photos, movies, music, documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. All better than ever. And now included with every iPad. Learn more Pages, Numbers, Keynote. They keep getting better. See what’s new...


iPod - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia恩~~還是十年前可愛XD The iPod is a line of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The first line was released on October 23, 2001, about 8½ months after iTunes (Macintosh version) was released. iTunes is a media player, media library, and mobile device man...


Apple, iPhone and iPad News | ModMyi已經用身體學到大絕了... RecognizeMe - Facial Recognition Unlock ... If you use your Notes application a lot to store important information and want an easy way to share your notes with your friends via social networks, then you may want to check out a new free jailbreak tweak du...
