apple new ipad youtube

Apple哇~我的媽呀......現在改正發音不知道來不來的及?臭拎獃還是有好處的~    小時侯 把English 讀為 "應給利息 "的同學當了行長;   讀為" 陰溝裡洗" 的成了小菜販子;  讀為 "因果聯繫 "的成了哲學家;  讀Apple 設計並創造 iPod、iTunes、Mac 筆記型及桌上型電腦、OS X 作業系統,以及革命性的 iPhone 與 iPad。...


Apple - iPad十大謊言 .....  相信否 ??Six powerful apps for your photos, movies, music, documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. All better than ever. And now included with every iPad. Learn more Pages, Numbers, Keynote. They keep getting better. See what’s new...


New Apple iPod Nano ad - 1234 by Feist - YouTube在激吻過後感到迷惑(點圖看大圖喔) The song is "1 2 3 4" by "Feist". """READ HERE THE ESPECIFICATIONS PLEASE""" New colors, new interface, new form, thiner, with video... the new Apple iPod Nano ad. The song is "1 2 3 4" by "Feist". You can buy it a...
