H奶女模打網球 白嫩巨乳彈跳吸睛
Phenomenal Patent Details Fingerprint Scanner with Advanced NFC Application Built Right Into the Hom 美國一名女模安妮(Elizabeth Anne)日前拍攝網球短片,片中她僅著細肩帶上衣和短裙,在球場內時而跑跳、時而揮拍擊球,胸前一對H罩杯豪乳也隨著躍動,彷彿隨時要從胸罩內「呼之欲出」。 影片在網路上引發熱烈迴響,有外國網友開玩笑表示:「這是作弊吧,怎麼可以同時用3個球!」,還有人When Apple revealed the iPhone 5 last year, many were confused as to why Apple didn't include NFC technology. Apple's VP of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller stated at the time that it wasn't clear that NFC was the solution to any current problem. That wa...