Can I do a "screen print" with this keyboard? - Apple Store (U.S.)到了北京才知道官小,到了東北才知道膽小,到了上海才知道樓小,到了深圳才知道錢少,到了海南才知道身體不好,到了包廂才知道老婆老。一等美女飄洋過海,二等美女深圳珠海,三等美女留在上海,四等美女鄉下等待,五等美女下放勞改!男人是飛機:10歲模型機,不是真飛機;20歲直昇機,馬上就能起,30歲戰鬥機,靈活又You cannot do a "screen print" with one key stroke on Apple keyboards but you can access the screen capture feature of Mac OS X on any Mac by pressing the Command, Shift and 3 buttons simultaneously. You can also capture specific windows or sections of .....