Apple Retail Store 南京陷落前, 留在南京的外僑約40 人, 其中美、英、德等國15人組織了一個“ 南京安全區國際委員會” , 建立了難民區,也稱安全區, 以便未及撤離的難民在最危急的時候, 可以有一個躲避的處所。難民區在南京市西北部, 以中山路、漢中路、山西路和西康路為界, 南北長約3公里,Visit the Apple Retail Store to shop for Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod, and more. Sign up for free workshops or visit the Genius bar for free support. ... Need help with a product you own? Get help with all your Apple products, such as iPhone, iPad, Mac, and iT...