Apple - Thunderbolt: Next-generation high-speed I/O technology. ▲這身材真的很猛!(source: 左:YouTube / 右:thechive) 大家好我是云編~ 春麗是《快打旋風》中的經典人物,而且火紅的程度應該就連沒玩過《快打旋風》的人都會認識。經典的兩個包包頭以及火辣又充滿肌肉的身材,讓春麗多年來人氣沒減過。想要cosplay春Thunderbolt 2 gives you access to the latest 4K monitors. In fact, with the Mac Pro, you can connect up to three 4K displays at once. And because Thunderbolt is based on DisplayPort technology, it provides native support for the Apple Thunderbolt Display ...