Apple TV 3 Jailbreak 愚人節快到了,當然今天MABEE小編整人DIY來個特別的整人大法!之前新聞醃頭案讓人聞風喪膽,文末會有已經製作好的人頭PDF檔案連結~ 準備材料:一張正面照片,一張側面照片、修圖軟體PS、輸出彩色相片防水處理上亮光漆、 透明大罐子(實驗室那種),透明顏色顏料,看你要怎樣調配都可以XDD;MABEEApple Tv3 Jailbreak brings you the latest news on how to jailbreak Apple Tv 3, How to Guides, Breaking News and many promotions! ... But first things first. If you haven’t even bothered to set up your device, you’d better start doing that just now, becaus...