apple tv2 jb

Apple TV2 Seas0nPass Jailbreak for iOS 5.2.1 / 6.1.3 Is Now Available ~ Apple TV 3 Jailbreak原來是這樣啊!!!! Seas0nPass Jailbreak Updated and Compatible for Apple TV 2 running iOS 5.2.1 and iOS 6.1.3 Tethered Version ... I was just given an ATV 2 as a "gift" with 5.2.1 firmware and instructions on how to JB it with Seasonpass. I updated my iTunes to the latest ....


Apple - Apple TV - HD iTunes content and more on your TV.一行文的新聞最重要~~~ Apple TV lets you play 1080p HD videos from iTunes and Netflix, enjoy music and photos from iCloud, and use AirPlay to stream from your iOS devices. ... iTunes Extras are available with select HD movies. AirPlay requires an Apple TV (2nd generation or lat...


iPad - ipad2畫面無線傳輸至電視 - 蘋果討論區 - Mobile01嘖嘖...小弟弟你才幾歲就這麼早熟 看到這次ipad2可以將畫面利用無線方式傳送至電視,是否需要購買apple TV才能夠做到... ... g8J wrote: 國人也發明了無線ap...(恕刪) 有那個產品我在PXHOME有看到,但是它必須在IPAD上裝一個傳送器這樣,這次ipad2展示的不需要安裝...


How to Install XBMC on Apple TV 2 - OS X Daily - News and Tips for Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Everythi好想要一把~~~!!!!!台灣不知道有嗎 How to Install XBMC on Apple TV 2 ... !!!Please Read!!! I tried the above and it took me serval tries before i figured out that when you install the xbmc on the apple tv2 you will do this WITHOUT the usb connected to the apple tv – so terminal will make t...


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