
Apple 中午偷聽到的對話:業務阿伯:「為什麼美國穿越劇都往未來穿?」客戶:「不知道」業務阿伯:「因為找不到歷史。」業務阿伯:「那為什麼中國穿越劇都往古代穿?」 客戶:(搖搖頭)業務阿伯:「因為看不到未來。」Apple designs and creates the iPhone, iPad, Mac notebooks and desktop computers, iOS 8, OS X, iPod and iTunes, and the new Apple Watch. ... * Requires initial sign-up. At the end of the trial period, the membership will automatically renew and payment ......


蘋果日報|Apple Daily|首頁 FB中毒的新生代 (題外話,老實說~我個人不喜歡這功能)台灣蘋果日報是台灣很受歡迎的新聞網站,提供蘋果日報、即時新聞、動新聞、娛樂、體育、社會、生活、副刊、國際萬象等線上版內容,強調報導影音化、圖像化、即時化、行動化,提供讀者全面且豐富的新聞閱讀感受。...


蘋果首席設計師伊夫:要認識實體世界,第一步是先破壞它|人物觀點|即時|天下雜誌 輸人不輸陣!多年來,蘋果首席設計師強納森.伊夫(Jonathan Ive)一直是媒體追逐的焦點,但這位神龍不見首尾的蘋果大將總是隱身幕後,充滿神秘感。也許是個性使然,但前執行長賈伯斯不喜歡蘋果高階主管接受媒體採訪,卻也是事公認的...


Interview with Rob Janoff, designer of the Apple logo | creativebits™ 我還想要第二支!!!!The Apple logo is one of the most famous logos in the world. Apple fans not only put this logo on their vehicles to show their loyalty, they go to the extreme of tattooing themselves with it, a level of dedication very few brands achieved. The logo is adm...


4 Myths About Apple Design, From An Ex-Apple Designer | Co.Design | business + design 主人不在我自己來!What's life really like designing for Apple? An alum shares what he learned during his seven years in Cupertino. EDITOR'S NOTE Happy (almost) New Year! We're saying good-bye to 2014 by revisiting some of our most popular stories of the year. Enjoy. Apple ...
