Apple - Apple TV - HD iTunes content and more on your TV. 劉亦菲:16歲 新版的《倩女幽魂》公映後取得了不錯的票房成績,而劉亦菲在電影中裸背的鏡頭也成為了最近的熱點話題之一。 雖然劉亦菲說裸背鏡頭是由裸替完成的,可是她在電影中舌吻古天樂、余少群卻是親自上陣。 而早在當年拍《天龍八部》的時候,劉亦菲便有出演裸戲,大秀香肩,當年她才16歲。 周Apple TV lets you play 1080p HD videos from iTunes and Netflix, enjoy music and photos from iCloud, and use AirPlay to stream from your iOS devices. ... iTunes Extras are available with select HD movies. AirPlay requires an Apple TV (2nd generation or lat...