優雅跑格 Audi A5 Sportback
APS-C - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia●寬扁流線的運動美學設計 ●全車系標配Matrix矩陣式LED頭燈 ●導入12V輕型複合動力系統 ●國內上市時間:2020年11月5日 ●售價:40 TFSI / 40 TFSI S line:230/246萬元 45 TFSI quattro S line:293萬元 Advanced Photo System type-C (APS-C) is an image sensor format approximately equivalent in size to the Advanced Photo System "classic" negatives of 25.1 × 16.7 mm, an aspect ratio of 3:2. CCD Sony ICX493AQA 10.14(Gross 10.75) Mpixels APS-C 1.8" (23.98 x 1...