Augmented reality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 圖片來源 (內容為影片上傳者與網路流傳,具有男性主觀意識,斟酌觀看) 性方面的研究一直以來都是大家所熱衷的話題! 尤其再男性當中又有一大部分的人很希望可以擁有一眼看穿女生性慾強不強的特異功能! 而一直以來也不知道從哪裡考證起.... 日本YOUTUBER たいぽん就發佈了一個統Devices that can augment only part of ones field of view like Google Glass are intended for an AR experience. After the debut of Google Glass many other HUD devices emerged as alternatives. CrowdOptic, an existing app for smartphones, applies algorithms a...