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Daegu | ArchDaily有多少人還記得他?小時候好喜歡看他的節目,覺得他超級超級厲害!如今他已經53歲了,他老了,我眼淚唰就掉下來了!   小編:你們有看過他嗎?好懷念呀~~Daegu Gosan Public Library Competition Entry / wHY Architecture & Design The design proposal for the Daegu Gosan Public Library aim towards becoming a knowledge based city by putting a strong emphasis on the multiple roles of a library as a knowledge base...


Nozomi Sushi / Masquespacio | ArchDaily - ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide日本7-11 與日本知名車廠光岡自動車聯名合作,推出由『新世紀福音戰士』機械設定師“山下いくと”所設計彩繪的超跑『新世紀福音戰士 大蛇Orochi』(エヴァンゲリオン オロチ) 原名為『光岡・大蛇』(光岡・オロチ)的這一輛超跑,在2001年第35回東京MOTOR SHOW 中,以概念車的身份首度展出Built by Masquespacio in Valencia, Spain with date 2014. Images by David Rodríguez y Carlos Huecas . Spanish creative consultancy Masquespacio present their last project Nozomi Sushi Bar. The project realized in Valenc......


The Bold Building Axis Viana Hotel in Portugal | Abduzeedo Design Inspiration美國時尚雜誌《MODE》評選並公開了2014年全球最美的100名女星名單,韓國明星的李成敏(Clara)獲得第二名,而這位美女與體育有著不解之緣。近日,美國時尚雜誌《MODE》評選並公開了2014年全球最美的100名女星名單,韓國明星的李成敏(Clara)獲得第二名。李成敏在這份榜單中,僅輸給了美國Portugal was presented with an hotel called Axis Viana Hotel, this building is a prove that architecture and enginnering can work togheter and create structures beyond the regular floor over floor. If you look at the side view you will understand what I'm...


Communicating Your Distinctive Competency - DesignIntelligence美國時尚雜誌《MODE》評選並公開了2014年全球最美的100名女星名單,韓國明星的李成敏(Clara)獲得第二名,而這位美女與體育有著不解之緣。李成敏在這份榜單中,僅輸給了美國模特兼演員Tania Marie Caringi,當之無愧的成為了亞洲第一美人。看看李成敏在《MODE》美女排行中的手下敗Few firms are truly unique in their competencies or capabilities. However, if you are able to define and then communicate what makes your organization distinctive, you’ve already gone a long way in delineating you firm and demonstrating your worth. Few fi...


Brick - Building bricks for sale for every job | Vandersanden | Vandersanden Group 剛剛看到的一篇文章,有點感觸。確實,一個會拿著相機,在鏡頭之後細心的捕捉你的一切的男人,該是多麼的愛你一起出遊時,忘記了看風景,卻拿著相機拍下你的一顰一笑。 因為,在他心裡,再美的風景也比不上此刻他心中的你,你就是他心中最美的風景躲在鏡頭之後,拍下不經意發楞的你,走神的你,淘氣的你,微笑的你。漂亮Brick company Vandersanden Group is the place to if you're looking for quality pavers, brick slips and building bricks for sale. ... Looking for bricks for sale? Read all about the bricks, brick slips of Vandersanden Group....


A Look at Frank Lloyd Wright's Little-Known Prefabs | Dwell 如果你真的很愛一個人,你願意為她做出多大的努力?英國 43 歲的黛比(Debi Wood)和 31 歲的伍德(Steve Wood) 在 2011 年透過朋友介紹下,兩人成為了戀人。但在兩人第一次約會當中,黛比便發現男友會偷看其他的女生,從此她就開始擔心男友不忠,演變成每天要檢查男友手機The only grouping of Frank Lloyd Wright's early American System-Built Homes—built by Arthur Richards and designed with standardized components for mass appeal to moderate-income families—is situated in the Burnham Park neighborhood in Milwaukee ......
