Area Code Listing, by Number - Home Sweet Home (bsy's home page) 「男人有淚不輕彈」的說辭,幾乎不分古今中外。一個不可愛的人,得不到同情,全是自己造成的,也只能由自己承擔苦果。千古以來,男人被要求表現英勇的外在行為。 女人希望男人仍舊表現勇敢的外在,但必須要有柔軟的內心。女人的對理想男人的要求雖然有點嚴苛,但她們自己也調整了自己回應的態度,她們知道Area Code Listing, by Number The cities listed with each area code are the major cities for that area code; this originated as the city in which the switch computer for that area code is located, but is no longer the case. The cities listed are not intend...