ARM vs. Intel: What It Means for Windows, Chromebook, and Android Software Compatibility 神秘「南極人造人」ningen,對於它的存在一直都有很多爭議,因為目擊的人證比較稀少,但是卻又有很多關於它的描述報道,讓這個神秘的物種出現在人們視野里,它是否存在一直是個未解之謎。 Ningen首次發現這個生物是在2002年,當是由於目擊者離Ningen的距離太遠,被目擊者誤認為是穿著北極熊衣的南ARM vs. Intel: A Quick History Lesson Intel chips have historically had the best performance, but have had the highest power consumption and price. ARM chips have historically had the lowest power consumption and been significantly cheaper, but haven’t be...