arm ldr instruction

ARM 處理器的結構 - 教科書:系統程式真的,為什麼要這樣呢? 圖三、ARM 的快速中斷機制 ARM 的狀態暫存器 (CPSR, SPSR) 狀態暫存器 CPSR 與 SPSR的結構如圖四所示,除了用來儲存條件旗標之外,還有中斷控制位元 I、F,可用來允許或禁止中斷,狀態位元 T 用來記錄處理器是位於正常 (ARM:指令為32位元) 或精簡 ......


Chapter 4 ARM Instruction Sets - 國立中央大學 電機工程學系 Department of Electrical Engineering, NCU原來是這樣= = Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. Jin-Fu Li, EE, NCU 8 ARM Instruction Format ¾Each instruction is encoded into a 32-bit word ¾Access to memory is provided only by Load and Store instructions ¾The basic encoding format for the instructions, such as...


ARM Cortex-M3 Introduction - ARM - The Architecture For The Digital World原來丟高高的高度差很大... 20 Conditional Execution ITTET EQ Inst 1 Inst 2 Inst 3 Inst 4 If – Then (IT) instruction added (16 bit) Up to 3 additional “then” or “else” conditions maybe specified (T or E) Makes up to 4 following instructions conditional Any normal ARM condition code ...
