armatix ip1

Armatix | Intelligent Gun Safety Systems 想要在今年來一雙復古感十足的New Balance鞋款嗎,2014年春季系列的 999 絕對是你不可或缺的好選擇,提供多種不同配色,搭載最為經典的灰色系列加以組合,不管是紅色或是藍色的設定,都是不錯的選擇。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如Built for Protection With Safety In Mind We embrace a multidimensional approach to safety. Our firearms are just as effective as the guns you’re used to shooting and include optional safety features that prevent an unauthorized user from operating them. O...


Armatix GmbH: i P1 pistol 螢光以及金屬質感的材質,從2013流行到今年,並在Nike最新的2014年春季鞋款當中,就已看得到,最新Nike Air Max 1 FB Premium QS 螢光系列鞋款,同時擁有這兩項都非常強眼的材質設定,碰撞出更將強烈的設計質感,愛炫的朋友們不能錯過. 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.Our specialists have equipped the iP1 Pistol with innovative features: .22 LR calibre, 10 round magazine electronic magazine disconnect different operating modes an operating distance of up to 10 inches integrated grip and drop safety color-coded operatin...


Armatix GmbH: i P1 pistol - Armatix | Intelligent Gun Safety Systems 以高級皮革配件起家,橫跨衣服飾品的義大利品牌 Trussardi,深受義大利貴族的喜愛,品牌LOGO也以象徵高貴的灰狗獵犬 Greyhound為設計,走紅時尚圈,而2014年春夏的系列廣告,也別出心裁的以灰狗獵犬為主角,穿尚品牌時裝入鏡,相當趣味。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JOur specialists have equipped the iP1 Pistol with innovative features: .22 LR calibre, 10 round magazine electronic magazine disconnect different operating modes an operating distance of up to 10 inches integrated grip and drop safety color-coded operatin...


Armatix GmbH: i P1 Limited Edition - Armatix | Intelligent Gun Safety Systems 紐約街頭品牌 Supreme,再度與 Playboy以及 Vans三方共同合作,打造強力聯名鞋款,共同慶賀品牌20週年,以及Playboy 60週年的重要日子,入Playboy經典Logo以及Supreme品牌文字,多種配色一次收錄,值得收藏。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上wwBlocking device & digital key The locking element is supposed to be inserted into the barrel of any 9mm pistol in order to guarantee that only the authorized owner can use it. The digital key is the key to the locking element. Authentication is via PIN co...


Armatix smart gun IP1 Smart System - YouTube 具有重要潮流意義的品牌 A Bathing APE,並沒有隨著主理人NIGO的離開而消聲匿跡,今年適逢品牌20週年,除了一系列的限量作品外,在居家用品的設計也是不遺餘力,以品牌經典迷彩布料打造了抱枕以及懶骨頭,讓你在家一樣潮的非常有態度。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JFunktionsbeschuss des Armatix Smartsystem IP1 ...und es gibt sie doch! Zuerst ein nicht autorisierter Schuss. Nach der Authentifizierung per PIN-Code an der Uhr funktioniert die Waffe. blaues Licht = Waffenmodus sicher - kein Magazin eingesetzt rotes Lich...


Smart Gun Maker Armatix Hits The Skids - Shooting Sports Retailer「The House of Worth」是19世紀時,由首位高級訂製服設計師Charles Frederick Worth所創立的,20年前Vivienne Westwood夫婦倆造訪倫敦Victoria & Albert博物館時,看到「The House of Worth」骨董訂製服展覽便深深著迷Smart Gun Maker Armatix Hits The Skids The German company that makes the controversial iP1 pistol which only fires when held by a specific shooter is in deep financial ... It’s the handgun that makes “gun safety” advocates swoon and Second Amendment ......
