Armatix GmbH: Home MattRyd7:給屋頂閣樓做好隔熱措施,這樣能夠節省很多取暖費用。 zegg回覆:沒錯,我們的冬天取暖費用從每月400歐元降低到了每月120歐元。我們家是大宅子,冬天這裡溫度只有-10°C到-20°C,屎都是冰的,這樣的寒冷天氣會持續7個月。一次性投資能夠在未來的10-15年裡都Every day, more than half a million handguns and rifles are transported, stored in gun cabinets or armories, carried as sidearms, left at firing ranges or exhibited at trade fairs. More than 10 million new small arms are shipped to a very wide range of bu...