印尼模仿達人Allan Wangsa的低成本Cosplay
Armed with Wings Culmination - Free Web Arcade - Free Online Games曾挑戰英國真人實景show《Big Brother》的印尼網友Allan Wangsa Satria Pamungkas的名字大家可能聞所未聞,不過此人在Instagram上可是小有名氣的哦。絕非高大威猛的型男,也不是富豪才子,這位大叔之所以有追隨者,全靠不定期更新的無下限Cosplay神作! &nArmed with Wings Culmination is the fourth installment of the stylish action platformer. Utilize your platforming and fighting skills as you move through a shadowy world filled with baddies. Slay baddies by slashing them with your sword and using your spe...