吳克羣自創潮流品牌 目標成為最有『溫度』的品牌 以實踐公益響應社會議題│華納音樂
Armed with Wings Culmination - Free Web Arcade - Free Online Games『全能星天王』吳克羣才剛成立了自己的經紀公司及潮流品牌DEBRAND,短短1年的時間,吳克羣宣佈將在信義區ATT 4 FUN開張第二間DEBRAND實體店面,更特別選在良辰吉日進行剪彩開幕儀式!而今天吳克羣也親自擔任『一日店長』,回饋一直以來支持的消費者,更以成為最有『溫度』的品牌為目標! 吳克羣自Armed with Wings Culmination is the fourth installment of the stylish action platformer. Utilize your platforming and fighting skills as you move through a shadowy world filled with baddies. Slay baddies by slashing them with your sword and using your spe...