armv7 processor rev 0 v71

你們的cpu型號是什麼,是這個嗎ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l)_note2吧_百度貼吧我還是用SIRI吧.... 我用360優化大師硬體檢測是這樣的結果,安兎兎cpu型號也是這樣. cpu型號是ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l).不應該是,CPU型號:三星 Exynos 4412嗎 我顯卡是OpenGL ES 2.0 像素密度是320ppi 你們也是這樣嗎,還是說我的有問題?...


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ios - What iPhone devices will run on armv7s and arm64? - Stack Overflow真的越來越多了啊...恨不得通通刪掉!!! Armv7s supported from iPhone 5, 5c, 5S, iPod touch-5, iPad-4, iPad Air. that's nothing but based on processor. Armv7s designed for A6 processor. Supporting from IOS6+. It's also support for 64-bit coding but processing get slow in those devices with armv7...
