精粹四門熟成 Coupe M.Benz CLS-Class Facelift
Pike County, OH: As Black as We Wish to Be - State of the Re:Union●全新家族水箱罩和保桿造型●更具照明科技的LED頭燈●九速9G-Tronic變速箱導入●國外售價 尚未公佈●國外上市時間 2014/06 前不久我們才看到M.Benz CLS的小改款原型車在德國當地秘密測試,事隔不到一季的時間內,M.Benz於6月18日在官網上釋出新年式CLS的消息稿及官方廠照,並mischling2nd, insisting that pale skinned but ambiguously mixed race people identify as white (because that’s what YOU see when you look at them) makes you the one who is elevating whiteness to god status, not the other way around. As an African American,...