Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. 愛,從來就是一件千迴百轉的事。 不曾被離棄,不曾受傷,怎學會愛人? 不曾為愛而流淚,怎知道相愛的幸福? 愛,原來是一種經歷…… 忘了才可惜。 跟你在一起的男人,仍然忘不了舊情人,這未嘗不是一件好事。 不必罵他:Adobe ActionScript 3 SDK for Facebook Platform The new Adobe ActionScript 3 SDK for Facebook Platform API, fully supported by Facebook and Adobe, makes it easy to build applications that combine the strengths of the Flash Platform. Developed by gskinner ....