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Ashley Madison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia喜歡和自己的另一半擁抱似乎不需要理由,可以聞到對方身上的氣味、可以感受到彼此的體溫,相擁的瞬間總以為兩人之間再沒有距離,緊緊連結在一起。如果你本來就是個熱愛抱抱的人,恭喜,繼續保持下去吧~如果你還不是,那麼趕緊來看看擁抱的七個好處,看完之後你也會恨不得馬上擁抱身邊離最近的那個人!1. 擁抱讓關係更緊Ashley Madison is an online dating service and social networking service marketed to people who are already in a relationship, whose slogan is "Life is short. Have an affair."[4] The website was launched in 2001.[2][5] The name of the site was created fro...

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