Converse攜手CONCEPTS 推出Pro Leather 款限量鞋Aran Sweater
Asia Pacific Education Review - incl. option to publish open access近日Converse攜手英國著名店鋪CONCEPTS 推出了以Pro Leather 款為藍本的限量鞋Aran Sweater。此次限量款最特別之處在於鞋身採用了針織的棉麻材料,奶白色的麻花紋理兩側則輔以紅綠顏色構成的匡威logo ,整體呈現出的溫馨感讓人聯想到平時媽媽在家手工織的毛線鞋。 該款鞋將The Asia Pacific Education Review (APER) covers all areas of educational research, with a focus on cross-cultural, comparative and other studies with a broad Asia-Pacific context. It aims to stimulate research, encourage academic ......