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The Official Word of 服務員:歡迎光臨肯德基,請問您要點什么? 客人:一個漢堡包。 服務員:辣的還是不辣的? 客人:辣的。 服務員:您要是再增加兩塊錢就可以換成雙層漢堡,可以嗎? 客人:好的,雙層漢堡。 服務員:請問您還要點什么? 客人:薯條。 服務員:請問您需要大薯條、中薯條還是小薯條? 客人:中薯條。 服務員:請問News and announcements from the Ask search engine....


Ask MetaFilter一位一年級的女老師最近被他的一個學生所困擾.老師問:「你怎么了?」 學生回答說:「我太聰明了,一年級對我來說太簡單了。我比我姐姐都聰明,可是她卻在3年級。我覺得我也應該上三年級!」 老師已經受夠他了。於是她把學生帶到了校長辦公室。 她向校長解釋了一下學生的情況. 校長建議應該給學生一個測試,如果他答Questions and answers by the MetaFilter community. ... This makes no sense to me, but I have lost a super important email I just received by accidentally hitting the "K" key while it was highlighted in my Apple Mail inbox....


Iyanla Vanzant - How to Ask for What You Want昨天幾個哥們在積滿水的*場上踢球,完了后一身臭汗泥漿的回到宿舍發現竟然沒自來水了,于是開機打游戲堅持到到深夜2點,還是沒水。哥們終于忍不住倒床上睡覺了。我處女座,多少有點潔癖,好不容易找到一瓶未開的礦泉水,再拿上毛巾肥皂就往沖涼房去。10分鐘后總結出拿一瓶礦泉水洗澡的經驗,對節約水資源應該有點幫助。In 2012, hours before Evelyn Alvarez was to attend a friend's wedding, her babysitter cancelled. Desperate, Alvarez called the bride—"on her wedding day!" she exclaims—to ask whether her son, Sen'ari, then 6, could attend. The bride agreed. Alvarez dashed...


Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask (1972) - IMDb 視愛情為生活奢侈品:有最好,沒有也能活。  若工作計劃與男友約會檔期沖突,取前者——前者不會辜負你(且越老越不會,除非你當三陪)。  簽任何合同之前至少看三遍——最具挑戰性的合同是婚約。  不必刻意表現成熟。小女孩用吸煙Directed by Woody Allen. With Woody Allen, John Carradine, Lou Jacobi, Louise Lasser. Seven segments related to one another only in that they all purport to be based on sections of the book by David Reuben. The segments range from "Do Aphrodisiacs Work?" ...


Ask Anna on Pinterest一天有位年輕貌美的小姐穿著緊身迷你短裙,上街去購物……兩手提滿了購物的戰利品,等公車準備回 家。公車一來,小姐面臨了很尷尬的場面………因為裙子太緊,兩手又拿了許多東西而公車車體較高, 她根本無法跨上公車&helAsk Anna | I'm a wife, a mom & blogger. Follow me & I will help you learn tricks to make life, cleaner, organized, and more beautiful! ... I'm a wife, a mom & blogger. Follow me & I will help you learn tricks to make life, cleaner, organized, and more ......


Google Moderator有壹天兔子在壹個山洞前寫東西,壹只狼走過來問:“兔子妳在寫些什麼? ” 兔子答曰:“我在寫論文。” 狼又問:“什麼題目?” 兔子答曰:“我在寫兔子是怎樣把狼吃掉的。”&nbsLet your audience decide Get to know your audience by letting them decide which questions, suggestions or ideas interest them most. Everyone's voice is heard The voting box at the top of page focuses attention on submissions recently added and on the rise...
