asp net cache

Using the ASP.NET Cache outside of ASP.NET - Scott Hanselman ▲帳戶餘額200多萬。(source:appledaily,下同)   當你無意間看到伴侶的存款數目時,會有什麼樣的反應呢? 一位女網友從交往3個月的男朋友口袋中,翻出了1張提款收據,發現男友存款高達278萬元,便興沖沖PO網問:「該怎麼叫他把錢交給我管?」 沒想到她馬上被網友大肆撻伐,Still wonder why the FX team hasn't just moved caching into another (non web) namespace. It pwns for web stuff, but there's no reason you wouldn't want caching in other types of solutions. (And who wants all the bloat of the enterprise libs, etc.) Honestl...


ASP.NET Cache - CodeProject - CodeProject - For those who code 事了拂衣去, 深藏功與名。   新生代武打女神   馬雲演電影了! 沒開玩笑···       你也沒看錯, 就是那個自稱鄉村教師代言人, 「對錢沒有興趣」的馬雲。      Explains Cache features in ASP.NET; Author: Shakeel Iqbal; Updated: 9 Nov 2009; Section: ASP.NET; Chapter: Web Development; Updated: 9 Nov 2009 ... Hi Shakeel, Thanks for this article. There is no doubt that while using cache, you not only can improve the...


ASP.NET Cache Examples - C# Tutorial: Dot Net Perls     年齡與手機號碼的秘密!   不可思議的准!   以後知道手機號就知道年齡了   大概花15秒吧, 一面讀一面做,才不會失去樂趣。   [1] 看一下你手機號的最後一位;   [2] 把這個數字乘上2;   [3This ASP.NET article describes ways to improve HTTP cache headers. ... .NET Array Dictionary List String 2D Async DataTable Dates DateTime Enum File For Foreach Format IEnumerable If IndexOf Lambda LINQ Parse Path Process Property Regex Replace Sort Split...


Cache Management in ASP.NET - CodeProject 不會畫畫的吃貨, 不是好設計師。   絕頂吃貨   所謂吃貨,以吃見長也, 他們大可解決世界物種泛濫問題, 小能成為城市活導航, 可聚群,亦能獨來獨往, 上可九星攬鳥,下可五洋捉鱉, 因為吃,天南地北無所不曉; 因為吃,上天入地無所不能。      This article describes how cache management is done in ASP.NET and what are different options available in ASP.NET.; Author: Shubhabrata Mohanty; Updated: 28 Oct 2005; Section: Caching; Chapter: Web Development; Updated: 28 Oct 2005...


How to disable cache | The ASP.NET Forums 說到日本人的特點,除了愛排隊之外, 島國人的「守時」可以算得上是世界聞名的了。       比如在企業、公共機構或與他人會面的方方面面, 必定「正確守時」,這已成為常識。   日本鐵路公司的電車只要晚1分鐘,車內必定播放道歉的廣播。    I know this question has been asked a dozen times but in all the posts I can't find an answer that works for me. I am trying to completly disable all cache from a page, so when the ......


ScottGu's Blog - Tip/Trick: Implement "Donut Caching" with the ASP.NET 2.0 Output Cache Substitution ▲6個讓人覺得設計師「腦洞突破天際」,但「關鍵時刻卻有奇效」的獵奇產品。 (source:Top寰球異聞,以下同)   哈囉大家好~我是fufu編!今天要和大家介紹的是6個讓人覺得設計師「腦洞突破天際」,但「關鍵時刻卻有奇效」的獵奇產品。根據頭條號主:Top寰球異聞的分享,世界上有些產品Some Background: One of the most powerful, yet too often under-used, feature areas of ASP.NET is its rich caching infrastructure. ASP.NET's caching features enable you to avoid repeating …...
