aspire s7 重量

宏碁發表新款 Ultrabook Aspire S7, S3 - [哈燒王]原來如此!重點是人啊!!Aspire S7-392配有Full HD螢幕,解析度 1920 x 1080,未來將提供WQHD (2560 x 1440)的規格,色彩鮮明銳利。此外,並採用IPS技術,廣視角可達170 ,不論觀賞照片、影片或玩遊戲,皆更加賞心悅目。Aspire S7-392機身超薄,僅1.29公分,重量為1.3公斤,因此 ......


Acer Aspire S7 評測:簡潔雪白超薄 Win 8 觸控筆電 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西 各家在 Windows 8 筆電都拿出了不少創意的作品,最主要就是為了那觸控螢幕大傷腦筋。Acer Aspire S7 同時保有傳統筆電的介面,另外又打造出新的觸控介面,在轉軸增加了阻力,讓手指可以安心點著螢幕。造型設計也做了很大的突破,和過往的機種有很不同 ......


Acer Aspire Ultrabook S7-391開箱篇 | 挨 踢 路 人 甲我覺得這個也是正確答案阿!哪裡有錯了?  之前Acer ASpire S3極輕薄Ultrabook筆電轟動上市時就已心動,今年初時移情別戀看上了ASUS ZENBOOK,於是向朋友借了一台ASUS ZENBOOK把玩後,又逢Windows 8開始支援觸控面板,一直告誡自己理智必須戰勝衝動,所以忍住了,10月26日Windows 8如期 ......


Acer Aspire S7 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news One of the few standout products from the first wave of Windows 8 laptops, the Acer Aspire S7 proves that Apple does not have a monopoly on great design. ... The Good The Acer Aspire S7 is a premium-looking ultrabook, with great performance, strong batter...


Acer Aspire S7-392-6411 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech new【罵人不帶髒字的歇後語】 1.蝙蝠身上擦雞毛--你算什麼鳥?  2.茶壺裡的水--滾開! 3.擦粉進棺材--死要面子! 4.大火燒竹林-----一片光棍; 5.唱戲的腿抽筋--下不了台; 6.芝麻地裡撒黃豆--雜種; 7.床單作尿布--夠大方! 8.骯髒他娘哭骯髒—&mdashThe Acer Aspire S7, a Windows 8 launch favorite that holds up nicely, gets a needed update to the latest CPUs for better battery life. ... The Good The Acer Aspire S7 has the same great design we loved last year, but the S7-392-6411 has a more battery-fri...


Acer Aspire S7-391-9886 Review | Ultrabook Review一天老師對小明說:“小明啊!你有沒有親弟弟啊?”小明突然往自己的褲襠看了看,然後皺著眉頭對老師說:“老師,我親不到!”   The Acer Aspire S7 is an absolutely stunning Windows 8 Ultrabook with a full HD touch screen and fast performance, but there's one key drawback. ... "Acer" and "jaw dropping" don't usually appear in the same sentence, but that's exactly what the Aspire S7...
