AST: The Test | Aspartate Aminotransferase; AST Test: Aspartate Aminotransferase; SGOT; GOT; Serum G 原po真的還是在意他吧 要是我根本不想接前閃電話!!!! ------------------------------- Dcard原文 事情是這樣的前閃與我交往後期我得知他與我的好姊妹搞曖昧我的好姐妹居然變成我們之間的小三…於是我成全他們提了分手同時也與他們斷了聯繫過了幾個月某天夜Normally, levels of AST in the blood are low. Very high levels of AST (more than 10 times normal) are usually due to acute hepatitis, sometimes due to a viral infection. With acute hepatitis, AST levels usually stay high for about 1-2 months but can take ...