American School in Taichung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia今天要講的是他,John Paul Getty III, 約翰·保羅·蓋蒂三世。 從Getty(蓋蒂)這個姓氏,大家或許已經猜出了他不凡的出身。 他來自有 「黑金豪門」之稱的美國蓋蒂家族,從20世紀初開始,蓋蒂三世的曾祖父就在從事石油生意。 之後,在蓋蒂三世The American School in Taichung (AST) is an international school in Taichung City, Taiwan offering grades one to twelve. The school, founded in 1990, was previously known as Lincoln American School. It is fully accredited by the Western Association of Sch...