劈腿定義為何?23 女性認為嘿咻不算
American School in Taichung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia劈腿的定義為何?近日有日本媒體,針對200名20至30歲的日本女性「什麼樣的行為就算是劈腿」進行調查,並列舉出6項行為,讓受訪者選擇,而其中受訪女性中,有38%的人坦承曾對男友不忠。 1. 和其他男性傳訊息比自己男友還頻繁:有3%的女性認為過度和其他異性傳訊息是劈腿行為。 2. 對其他男性產生情感:The American School in Taichung (AST) is an international school in Taichung City, Taiwan offering grades one to twelve. The school, founded in 1990, was previously known as Lincoln American School. It is fully accredited by the Western Association of Sch...