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Auction Catalog有一天,草莓和人類走在路上,突然有一台車衝了過來,草苺被撞死了,人類就笑她說:「哈哈!草莓醬!」草莓聽了很生氣,便詛咒他說:「詛咒你一定被車撞到!!詛咒你一定被車撞到!!......」不久人類果然被撞死了,草莓笑他說:「哈哈!!人渣!!」Lot Description Estimate 1 HUGE BIN OF CRAFTING & REPAIR COSTUME JEWELRY 16.5 X 12 X 23. Full to the brim of exciting jewelry making materials for jewelry, art projects and crafting. Get creative and enjoy! Caution: at least 70lbs. 100 - 200 2 HUGE ......


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