[無言] 怎麼會對學妹做這種事,連我自己都傻眼
Asus A6 Notebook Review - NotebookReview.com - Notebook Reviews - Laptop Reviews and Net之前系上學妹跟我說,他覺得鐘樓怪人(音樂劇)很好看,於是我回她:「對阿,我還有DVD,而且看完了,妳要的話可以借妳」於是所有的悲劇就在這一刻產生昨天晚上,聖誕節,我依照約定把鐘樓怪人音樂劇DVD借給學妹一開始傻傻的我並沒有發現有異狀,直到打開電腦光碟機的那一剎那,感覺似乎少了什麼沉思了三秒之後我發現The A6KT is touted by Asus as a mainstream portable entertainment laptop. What first struck me looking at this laptop was its sweet price to performance ratio. Hovering at just under $1,100 this laptop is a great starting point if you’re looking for somet...