ASUSTeK Computer Inc.-Forum- Asus CMOS Battery妞編輯是個從小立志長大一定要離開家的人,畢竟住家裡實在太不方便了啊!(你們懂吧!)應該很多人也是這樣,覺得如果能夠離家遠遠的最好,但年紀越大越發現,其實自己還是很依賴家人,尤其在發生這5件事的時候,就算到了30歲絕對還是會問媽媽啊~ 「媽媽,衣服的髒污到底怎麼洗啊?」 Source:DI have the same CMOS battery problem. When I try to turn on it two things can happen: 1., screen doesn't work but the Zzz and hd led on but that's all 2., after the bios checking appears a warning text: "CMOS battery low. Press F2 to resume". I push F2 an...