ASUS Ai Charger - Quick charge your iPod, iPhone and even iPad! (圖片來源:https://pixabay.com) 圖說:「相愛」只是構成婚姻的其中一個要素,更多的因素是「對的時間」及「彼此有對的方向」。 網路新生代創作演員張恩嬅才華洋溢,除了善於編導戲劇之外,近期也朝著講師身分邁進。日前由演員張恩嬅及兩性作家黎詩彥發起《愛的旅程》愛情講座,兩With the exclusive ASUS Ai Charger, all of your motherboards, and desktops become universal chargers for your iPod, iPhone and now, the new iPad. Ai Charger turns any PC into a flexible power-up station for popular Apple devices through a simple USB ......