Amazon.com : ASUS M32BF-US004S Desktop (3.2 GHz AMD A8-5500 Processor, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, Windows 8. 經常關注日系雜誌的小伙伴, 相信一定對下面這張顏記憶猶新! 立體鮮明又充滿異域風情的五官, 辨識度極高,讓人驚艷不已。 她就是日本模特&美妝界的 混血女神長谷川潤。 1986年,她在出生在美國, 媽媽是日本人, 爸爸是美法混血。Fast. Powerful. Reliable. The M32BF desktop PC is powered by the latest AMD A8 Processor and AMD Radeon HD 7560D Integrated graphics to deliver incredible performance. It comes with the latest Windows 8.1 and it is built with more innovation per inch than...